Leah Curry

Dear HearthStone friends,
We hope that this letter finds you as well as can be expected during these uncertain times.
We realize that for many of you, our dearest friends, the impact of COVID-19 has been great, from job uncertainty and health concerns, to major disruptions in your daily schedule and the inability to meet together at this time for a little fun.
At HearthStone, we are thinking of you daily and grieving with you over any challenges you may be facing. We also want you to know that we are here with you in spirit, cheering you on. Your feelings during this time are valid; you are loved, you are valued, and you are not alone.
While some HearthStone events have been impacted by this time of social distancing, we are here to let you know that—when the time comes for us to be together again—we are planning to hold our Spring Dance, just at a later date.
We are not cancelling this event, but rather postponing it. We are planning a new “County Carnival” theme, so we encourage you to raid your closet and plan for the perfect outfit, text a friend or family member about which songs you’re going to request, and remind yourself and others that fun times WILL return after this temporary period of social distancing.
We look forward to this extraordinary night of coming together again, and we will keep you updated when a date is decided at a future time.
Here at HearthStone, we are dreaming big about our future events, from old favorites to brand new ones that we cannot wait to share with you. Watch our website, www.hearthstonewi.org, and our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/hearthstonewi) for updates. In the meantime, while we cannot be together physically, we can stay in touch and encourage each other through fun cards, text messages, social media and email. This is a great time to come together in new and creative ways!
If you have questions about resources at this time, you can contact the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Sheboygan County by calling 920-467-4100. If you’re feeling down or worried, Mental Health America in Sheboygan County has great resources on their website about virus anxiety and caring for your mental health: www.mhasheboygan.org.
We’ll see you all on the other side of this!
HearthStone of WI
Leah Curry is the secretary of the HearthStone of Wisconsin Board of Directors and is the head of the marketing committee.